Osteria dei Cappellari

One of the best neighborhood restaurants in Rome. Small, quaint, great service and great food. This restaurant will definitely give you the feel of a local and special evening experience. Great for couple(s). Great for creating true Italian dining memories.

Wine Bar Camponeschi

This is the best Wine bar in Rome. This is a must see and maybe a go by several times spot. Franco is the main Bartender, and his wife is usually there as well. If you are looking for a great steak, I have yet to find a better one. Order medium rare and ask […]

Sant’Eustachio Il Caffè

I think this is the absolute best coffee place in Rome and go often. Anytime of day that you are in this area stop for an espresso. Go in and turn to the right and order an “espresso with sugar to go”, from the girl behind the register. Pay for it, then get your receipt […]

Vinaietto – Old Winery

I would walk by here every day and  if  it was after 3 pm, there was always a crowd at this local wine store/wine bar. Walk in, buy an inexpensive glass at the checkout counter. Stand outside, next to the road and drink your glass of wine while chit chatting with strangers at this VERY […]

Osteria La Quercia

This place is awesome. It is not exciting from the outside, but it is very local and you won’t be disappointed. Some of the most local places in Rome do not focus on pasta. This is one. All places have pasta, as does La Quercia, but this has a focus on Roman cuisine and a […]